
Adding a Manager to your Google Brand Account

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Review how to create a Google Brand Account here

Once you’ve created a Google Brand Account you can add managers to assist with it. In our case, we want to upload videos and manage those videos on your behalf at YouTube. Once again, none of this is difficult to do, but it’s less obvious that one might think it should be. To assign a new user to manage your YouTube/Brand Account:

  1. Logged into YouTube (with your Brand Account, though the account you used to create the Brand Account will also work, as you’ll see), choose Settings on the left side of the YouTube screen. Again, it’s near the bottom of the page.
  2. Identify the section called Channel Managers and click the link Add or remove manager(s).
  3. Click the button Manage Permissions
  4. Google may require you to log in again as the user you were in creating the Brand Account.
  5. Once again, click Manage Permissions.
  6. A pop-up will appear identified as Manage Permissions. Click the icon in the top right of the pop-up, indicated with the shapes of people next to a “+” sign.
  7. Type in the email address to add us.
  8. You’ll automatically be given two options to select One will have a gray envelope icon next to it and the other our red AttractionEngine logo. Choose the address indicated with our red AttractionEngine logo.
  9. Click the words Choose a Role, directly underneath the email address you just added, to open a drop-down menu of roles. Select Manager.
  10. Click Invite in the lower right corner of the pop-up and you’re done!

We’ll receive an invitation in our inbox to manage your Brand Account, and after we accept we’ll be ready to roll. Remember that at any time you can log into your Brand Account and update any settings, including removing us as managers on your account. Also note that as Brand Managers we only have permission to manage your YouTube account and have no exposure to any other parts of your Google account.

Next Creating a Google Brand Account
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